Category: Editorials

Let’s Go Chelsea, Beat Matignon

Football will be the main dish on the menu for Thanksgiving morning when Coach Mike Stellato and his Chelsea High football team take to the gridiron for a 10:00 kickoff at Dilboy Field in Somerville against Matignon High School. The…

Be Sure to Vote Tuesday

When the Founding Fathers drew up our Constitution, the notion of a democratic form of government, in which every citizen was given the right to vote (although admittedly, citizenship in the late 18th century was conferred solely upon white males)…

Have a Safe Halloween

Halloween is for children or the child in all of us. The thought of getting loads of free candy is sometimes just an overload as children race around the streets trying to make sure that they hit every house and…

Letter to the Editor

Firefighters endorses Calvin Brown Dear Residents of Chelsea, I am writing on behalf of Chelsea Fire Fighters Local 937 to endorse Calvin Brown for re-election to the office of Chelsea City Council. Local 937 supports candidates who share our commitment…