Category: Editorials

The Summer of 2012

The tragedy in Colorado has touched Americans in different ways everywhere during this otherwise lovely summer of 2012. At the Showcase Cinema complex in Revere Monday evening the theaters were evacuated during a showing of Batman. Some theater goers were…

About Gangs

Recent statistics from Lynn and Revere reveal that great strides have been made by their local police departments in bringing gang activity under control. In fact, in Lynn, a city of more than 90,000, where gang activity was rampant and…

Pet Peeve

The owner of the Store 24 in Bellingham Square should be fined every Sunday for running a pigpen that causes the square to be awash in trash of all kinds generated largely and mostly from the store. The Health Department…

Sandcastle Event

You’ve got to get over to Revere Beach this week and into the weekend for the Sand Castle competition that is being held once again. Right now, the contestants from all over the world are busy preparing their newest creations…

Another Park

News that Chelsea will be adding yet another park to its small collection of green public places is extraordinary news. During the past ten years, City Manager Jay Ash, Representative Gene O’Flaherty and a succession of city councils have all…

The Fourth of July Celebration

It will be a thoughtful day for many of those celebrating the Fourth of July holiday. Virtually nothing about our lives is the way it used to be anymore. Everything about American life is vastly changed. The future looks uncertain.…

About Deceit

We do not know what devious things or actual crimes committed can be attributed to Chelsea’s Gary Martel who has been charged with fraud and is now being investigated by several agencies, including the Securities and Exchange Commission. He has…

Keep Al Ewing

Chelsea Housing Authority Executive Director Al Ewing should be kept on as the Chelsea Housing Authority’s Executive Director. In the post Mike McGlaughlin era, Ewing, untainted by everything that came before, has done an admirable job as was evidenced by…

The Police and a Raise

Those close to negotiations real or imagined that are now ongoing all agree – some headway is being made between all the important parties to finally negotiate a contract with the city. Differences of opinion on tactics not withstanding, divisions…