La Colaborativa names its La Placita in honor of former Gov. Charlie Baker

Special to the Record

Former Gov. Charlie Baker reacts with heartfelt emotion
as the sign is unveiled for the Governor Baker La Placita
outdoor space at the La Colaborativa Survival Center in
Chelsea. Showing her joy is former First Lady Lauren Baker

Former Mass. Gov. Charlie Baker and his wife, Lauren Baker, visited the La Colaborativa Survival Center Saturday for a very special honor.

La Colaborativa’s “La Placita,” a beautiful outdoor space, was named the Governor Baker La Placita.

Baker, who was consistently voted the nation’s most popular governor during his tenure and is now president of the NCAA, was visibly touched by the incredible naming gesture by Executive Director Gladys Vega and her organization.

Vega said Baker was very supportive of La Colaborativa in its mission of helping people every day, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic when the organization’s work in the community was extraordinary.

“When Gov. Baker came and visited La Colaborativa during the pandemic, we basically told him that this is where all the crises are happening and we are at the forefront of the pandemic,” recalled Vega. “We told the governor that we are distributing food, relocating families, and buying air mattresses so people could be in different places when they got ill.”

Interestingly, Gov. Baker had watched on television new shows La Colaborativa’s valiant efforts to assist people during the unprecedented health crisis that struck Chelsea very hard.

“The Governor reached out to me through Sen. Sal DiDomenico,” said Vega.

Vega said after meeting with Gov. Baker and seeing the pandemic’s impact on residents, he increased funding to the City of Chelsea. Baker was so impressed with the work of the Vega-led organization that he helped in the planning for the La Colaborativa Survival Center, its sparkling new headquarters. The Center has expanded its mission to include a health clinic that will be finalized in January.

Norieliz DeJesus, director of emergency assistance at La Colaborativa and president of the Chelsea City Council, also lauded Baker, stating that the “La Placita” honor for him was well deserved.

“The Baker Administration was especially helpful to La Colaborativa and so involved in all of our response during the pandemic,” said De Jesus. “Gov. Baker was there with us every step of the way. He fell in love with our community and our organization and the work that we do.”

Indeed, the ceremony was an awesome tribute to the great leadership of Gov. Baker, but also an opportunity to recognize La Colaborativa for its continuing efforts in ensuring food and housing security for the residents of Chelsea, in addition to all the other areas in which the organization provides valuable assistance.

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