Nowicki endorses Flaherty for Senate

The Committee to Elect Tim Flaherty today announced that former Chelsea City Council President Paul Nowicki, who ran against Flaherty in the 2007 special election for the Middlesex, Suffolk & Essex state senate seat, has endorsed Flaherty’s candidacy. “It’s not…

Get out and vote

The special election to fill the late Senator Edward Kennedy’s seat will be held Tuesday. We urge everyone to get out and to vote. Attorney General Martha Coakley and Senator Scott Brown are locked in a very tight race. Every…

Police Log 01-14-2010

Tuesday, January 5 Freddie Torres Mojica, 46, 158 Franklin Ave., Chelsea, was arrested for operating motor vehicle with suspended/revoked license, violation to conceal license plate. Joseph Santaniello, 55, 35 Hawthorne St. Chelsea, was arrested for violating the abuse prevention order.…