Category: News

Morgese resigns from council

The economy has claimed another casualty at City Hall as District 8 City Councillor Ron Morgese, citing the travel demands of his full-time job, surprised many by announcing his resignation from the City Council.  Councillor Morgese, a three-term veteran of…

Fighting the good fight

From the start, Congressman Mike Capuano has insisted that the race to fill Senator Edward Kennedy’s seat would be a battle to identify one’s vote, to go after it and to bring it out on primary day. Capuano put his…

Layoffs hit City as deficit looms

Like a forecasted Nor’easter that eventually dumps a foot of snow, the world-wide recession has finally taken its toll on the City’s municipal budget. This past week, 19.5 positions were eliminated, and City officials are scrambling for ways of plugging…