Chelsea 5K Road Race Sept. 8

In celebration of the City of Chelsea’s 400th anniversary, the Chelsea Road Race Committee, in collaboration with Chelsea Recreation & Cultural Affairs, will be hosting the Chelsea 5K Road Race on September 8 to promote wellness and healthy living.

Photo By Marianne Salza
Edward Rodriguez and Adam Edgett, Co-Race Directors for
the Chelsea 5K Road Race

“This event is for the entire community. It’s inclusive, it’s safe, and it’s on a beautiful course that passes by Chelsea’s most beloved landmarks,” said Eduardo Rodriguez, co-race director.

Highlights of the route include Chelsea Central Fire Station, City Hall, Bellingham Square with its iconic clock, and the historic Chelsea Naval Hospital on Admirals Hill. Runners will pass beneath the Tobin Bridge and by the Chelsea Police Department on their way to the finish line.

The Chelsea Police Department will be implementing safety measures for participants, who will have portable restrooms available to them at the start/finish line, and a water station in Mary O’Malley Waterfront Park, on Admirals Hill.

“The route is designed for everyone, regardless of your fitness ability. The course is mostly flat. Whether you are an experienced runner trying to run your best race time, you are a casual runner, walker, or this is your first time running a 5K, this race is for you,” encouraged Rodriguez.

The Chelsea 5K Road Race will be limited to 400 runners in observance of the city’s 400th anniversary. All registrants will receive a commemorative t-shirt and unique bib labeled with numbers between 1624 – to honor the year Chelsea was first settled – to 2024. Finishers will earn a medal; and the first three runners to cross the finish line will be presented awards.

“We’re planning a celebration in the courtyard of the Williams School,” added Adam Edgett, co-race director. “We’re going to have refreshments and food for the runners to re-fuel after the race. We’re planning to get a DJ to make it lively.”

Rodriguez anticipates a vibrant, energetic day for the community to gather in support of the race and to honor the spirit of Chelsea. He hopes that spectators cheer for family, friends, and neighbors from the sidelines. “We want to empower the community to run,” beamed Rodriguez.

“We are celebrating our champions from the past, present, and future – their victories and hard times.

” When Rodriguez started running in 2018, he noticed few others running through the city. He would soon establish the Chelsea Running Club to promote healthy living and camaraderie. The Chelsea Running Club is now in its third season, and includes Edgett among its members.

“Running has had a positive impact on their physical and mental health,” said Rodriguez about the Running Club. “Running can change your life. It can relieve stress and anxiety. Running is powerful.” Rodriguez and Edgett hope that the Chelsea 5K Road Race can impact the greater community and welcome participants from local cities.

“Even the Running Club has people from surrounding communities,” mentioned Edgett. “I think it’s a good way to bring people from areas around us who don’t necessarily come to Chelsea as often to come see what Chelsea is like to run.”

A Chelsea Heritage Grant was awarded from the Chelsea Cultural Council to defray costs and provide the low registration fee of $20 per runner. The Chelsea 5K Road Race will begin at 9AM on September 8, rain or shine, at the Williams School Building, located at 180 Walnut Street. Register by visiting

“The experience of the course means a lot. The route offers a little bit of everything and celebrates the beauty of the city. Running past iconic landmarks and under the Tobin Bridge gives you connection and will bring us together as a community,” described Rodriguez. “The Chelsea Road Race celebrates the heritage and culture of its people. It’s an experience that will leave participants feeling accomplished and proud of being part of this magnificent event.

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