I enjoyed every minute of it
It’s been a nice ride serving the people of Chelsea as their District 5 City Councilor.
Believe me without your support we wouldn’t have accomplished so much in the time I was councilor and I Thank You. I truly want to thank the people and the voters of Chelsea for electing me during my tenure in office.
Don’t let anyone tell you how easy this job can be.
The phone’s always ringing , the emails keep coming , people stop you on the street not only to say hi, but also to talk about a problem they are having and they want you to fix.
Believe me I love to fix those problems. I enjoyed every minute of it.
But a lot has changed in four years since I’ve been in office and not what I have done but the City as a whole.
Was Chelsea even on the map back then?
Look at all the development and there is more to come, including new hotels, a much improved school system such as the Clark Avenue School, 10 new public parks, an FBI building, and the Silver Line. People may say its over development, but they soon forget without development, our taxes would be sky high.
With all this said, we need to get Chelsea back on track by working on education, jobs, housing, parking and litter.
As I have said over and over again, safety is number one and over the past four years I have been working to keep our streets safe. People keep talking about how they are getting pushed out due to rent increases and property values going up but they tend to forget that no one will come to our fair City if our education system is bad and crime keeps going up.
Yes I approved the new LED lights to make Chelsea brighter and got the cops to walk the streets, but more need to be done and no one knows more about crime than me, as my district is one of the worst when it comes to crime.
I hope the next District 5 City Councillor has the same vision I have to solve what I have started because I haven’t heard anyone talk about what they are going to do that I haven’t done already.
I wish everyone the best of luck in there endeavor to be the next city councillor and let them know that I will be available to help out in any way possible as I do not plan of leaving this City we call Chelsea.
Joe Perlatonda
District 5 City Councillor