Category: Editorials

The New Marriott

Construction of the new Marriott Hotel is moving along swiftly and the structure itself has taken on a presence that will likely be here for the next 75 years or more. The hotel will be a giant generator of tax…

The Receiver’s Final Report

The Chelsea Housing Authority’s former temporary receiver Judith Weber has officially filed her final report to the Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts. In it, she details everything having to do with the CHA that is of importance. For all our…

Washington Avenue Restoration

There is a great deal of personal inconvenience involved with the redoing of Washington Avenue. But at the end of that long run, a nearly perfect roadway along the length of the avenue will make a great deal of difference…

Rep. Gene O’Flaherty

News that our representative Gene O’Flaherty may be stepping down from his chairmanship of the House Judiciary Committee caught many by surprise. After all, O’Flaherty tends to be a steady Eddy, so to speak. But when his feathers are ruffled…