Massachusetts has become a nationwide leader in the field of education during Governor Deval Patrick’s tenure in office. The Governor has helped the Bay State become the very best for children and students at all levels in the educational experience.
The Governor has made early education a priority in his administration and he made a visit to CAPIC headquarters on Crescent Avenue to announce that the Department of Education and Care (EEC) has increased opportunities for more than 3,200 children in our state.
In Chelsea we have seen first hand the importance of laying the educational foundation at a very young age, not only in the success of CAPIC – which has been so ably and professionally administered by Executive Director Robert Repucci – but also at the John Silber Early Child Learning Center at the Shurtleff School.
We praise Governor Patrick for making education a top priority throughout his seven years as the leader of our state government. The Governor earned a scholarship to Milton Academy and went on to attend Harvard University and Harvard Law School before embarking on a dynamic path that included his work as the United States Assistant Attorney General in the Clinton Administration and his election as the state’s chief executive in 2006.
We thank the Governor for choosing CAPIC and our city to make such an important announcement and for his diligent efforts on behalf of all the schoolchildren of Chelsea.
And we also thank CAPIC Head Start Director Joanne Stone-Libon for her outstanding work in making this vital first step in our children’s educational careers a productive experience for the children and their parents