Special to the Record
The City of Chelsea, in partnership with GreenRoots and Clean Water Fund, has launched a survey to understand the Chelsea community’s experience with its Lead Service Replacement Program (LSRP) designed to replace every public and private lead service line in the city.
Through this program, residents can have their lead and galvanized water service pipes replaced at no cost to them. The survey is available in English and Spanish at www.chelseama.gov/lead.
The survey asks participants questions about their overall experience with the program; whether they’ve had their water service line inspected or replaced by the City; gathers information about why residents have not had their lines inspected and what motivated those who have; and provides opportunities for residents to share feedback and participate in outreach efforts to help spread awareness of the program.
Physical copies of the survey are available at the City Hall Greeters Desk located on the second floor lobby of Chelsea City Hall. Those who are unable to complete the survey in person or online can call community Chelsea 311 (617-466-4209) for assistance during City Hall business hours.
The City’s partnership with Clean Water Fund and GreenRoots has resulted in increased public participation and improvements to Chelsea’s water service inventory, and has raised awareness of the dangers of lead in drinking water and environmental justice.
“Clean Water Fund and GreenRoots have been instrumental partners in our efforts to provide education to Chelsea residents on the dangers of lead in drinking water and identifying and replacing lead service lines in our community,” said Chelsea City Manager Fidel Maltez.
Throughout this partnership, Clean Water Fund and GreenRoots have assisted the City in targeting areas with high concentrations of children and specific neighborhoods with language barriers, to ensure that public outreach and lead elimination are executed quickly and equitably.
“The City of Chelsea’s dedication to replacing all lead service lines demonstrates an unwavering commitment to health equity for its residents,” said Kiera Alventosa, Environmental Health Organizer of Clean Water Fund. “The strength of this collaboration between Clean Water Fund, GreenRoots, and the City reinforces that engagement depends on partnerships that connect resources and information to community members on the ground.”
Barbara Espinosa Barrera, Environmental Justice and Health Equity Organizer at GreenRoots, said GreenRoots is excited for this partnership and to be responding to an issue that has affected the Chelsea community for so long.
“We encourage everyone to take advantage of the resources that the city is providing to continue to get lead out of our drinking water,” Barrera said.
To book a water service line material inspection with Chelsea’s Water & Sewer Division by visiting www.chelseama.gov/lead or contact Chelsea 311. Caregivers are also encouraged to contact their children’ s healthcare provider(s) to schedule a lead screening visit for children ages 5 and under.