By Adam Swift
The city will unveil the new logo for its Comprehensive Plan, Chelsea Pa’Lante, Chelsea Onward, at Chelsea Pa’Lante Fest – a community block party to celebrate the future of Chelsea – on Saturday, March 15, from 2-5 p.m. at Chelsea Square.
Chelsea Pa’Lante Fest will transform Chelsea Square into a dynamic party space featuring:
• 9-hole miniature golf
• Giant checkers
• Face-painting
• A bubbles station
• Music and entertainment
• A vibrant food and goods market
• An opportunity for residents to share their thoughts on the future direction of Chelsea
• A chance to meet the design team and steering committee for Chelsea Pa’Lante, Chelsea Onward
In early January 2025, the City asked residents to help choose the logo for the Comprehensive Plan by taking a survey. Of the 143 respondents, the majority favored the “Shapes Logo.” Based on additional feedback from social media and email responses, the city has been working behind the scenes with its design consultant to revise the logo, incorporating the following key community suggestions:
• More inclusive design and language
• Improved visibility and simplicity
• More professionalism and sophistication
• Incorporation of meaningful symbolism
This event is free, family-friendly, and open to the public. All residents are encouraged to come out and play, learn more about the plan, and help shape the future of Chelsea.
Event partners include the City of Chelsea City Manager’s Office, Department of Housing + Community Development, and JukeBox Events.
In the event of rain, the event will take place in the Williams School Gymnasium. Chelsea Pa’Lante, Chelsea Onward will be the first comprehensive master plan for the City since 1970 and is intended to serve as a road map for the community over the next 10-15 years. It is a community-driven initiative designed to enhance the quality of life in Chelsea through a comprehensive, collaborative planning process. Pa’Lante, meaning “forward” in Spanish, Chelsea Pa’Lante reflects the City’s commitment to progress, inclusion, and equity as it plans for the future. The plan will be developed through public input, ensuring consistency in policies and forecasts, and must be approved by a majority vote of the planning board.