Denounce the Actions of the City Council
Dear Editor,
As a lifelong Chelsea resident proudly raised on Congress Avenue, the same place I’ve chosen to raise my child and family, I’d like to publicly denounce the happenings of a March 8 city council meeting where I saw professionalism go out the door.
As a lifelong Chelsea resident, and true lover of all things Chelsea, I was extremely disappointment with how an elected official – one who has changed where I live, heavily Latino, in so many positive ways – was treated as a racist, and accused of being a White Supremacist without any defense from his council colleagues.
I’m proud to call Giovanni Recupero a friend, but I’m even more proud to call him my district 6 city councilor. With that said, I stand behind him and his motives always.
I can say definitively that, not from what he says but how he’s lived and helped my community, Councillor Recupero’s character is far from the accusations being thrown his way by a group of local politicians and outside activists that I believe attacked a good man for their own political gain.
In his role, Councilor Recupero has stood for everything we in district 6 could possibly hope our elected official would stand for: equity, inclusion, and steadfast leadership that couldn’t care less for personal image.
It is no secret why Councilor Recupero continues to get reelected to represent one of the most diverse districts in the city — because he cares about all, regardless of race, color, and creed.
And again, I reiterate, I feel as I do because Councilor Recupero hasn’t only talked the talk but he’s made sure he’s walked the walk in his role as a leader in Chelsea.
As a white man with mixed race children, like Councilor Recupero, I’ve always been proud to be surrounded by people of all kinds, embracing all colors, just as I’ve seen Councilor Recupero do throughout his time as an elected official. During his time as councilor, my neighborhood went from neglected and underrepresented to cared for and prioritized. We’ve had our streets fixed, sidewalks made, parks renovated, and the overall quality of life improved due largely to councilor Recupero’s relentless fight for the residents of his heavily Latino district.
Furthermore, I’m writing today to call on all residents to condemn the actions of some of our city councilors, most visibly those of Judith Garcia, who insisted on calling for an investigation into one of the city’s most caring and colorful residents with no real cause.
As a resident that follows the actions of our governing bodies very closely, I openly asked myself why?
Why would the city council look to stoke flames of divisiveness and hatred, especially towards one of the best councilors the city has to offer its people?
Why, I asked myself, as one of the most diverse and accepting cities in the country are we opening the doors to hatred and false claims of racism?
Why does Chelsea need to be painted as a bad place?
Councilor Garcia’s insistence to force the council to allocate time to investigate Councilor Recupero for publicly discussing his point of view of history is noninclusive and shameful at the least.
My hope is the people of Chelsea are paying attention to see through these antics and decipher for themselves who really cares for our community and those who want to make a happening where nothing has happened.
I’m proud of my home. I’m proud of the diversity here. I’m proud of whom we have chosen to represent us in District 6. And I’m damn sure racism and white supremacy are not things hampering our council.
John and Christoper Winam