May 5
Jean Day, 59, address unknown, was arrested for warrant misdemeanor default.
Jeff M. Bosquet, 30, of 120 Vernal Street, Everett, was arrested for shoplifting.
Louis Ayala, 20, of 15 Bowditch Road, Falmouth, was arrested for prostitution, intimidation of witness and assault.
May 6
Kwame Bell, 17, of 334 Ferry Street, Everett, was arrested for possession of Class D drug and drug violation near school.
Samuel Valdez, 37, of E. Berkeley Street, Boston, was arrested for warrant misdemeanor default and straight warrant misdemeanor.
May 7
Reynaldo Medina, 44, of 38 Hawthorne Street, Chelsea, was arrested for assault and battery.
Jessica Armijo, 41, of 232 Washington Avenue, Chelsea, was arrested for two counts of assault and battery with a dangerous weapon.
May 8
Karima El-Hakim, 38, of 797 Ferry Street, Everett, was arrested for prostitution.
John Goodwin, 26, homeless, was arrested for straight warrant misdemeanor.
Lorenzo King, 50, of 39 Beacon Street, Chelsea, was arrested for shoplifting.
May 10
Evelyn Yesi Lopez, 22, of 11 Clyde Street, Chelsea, was arrested for trespassing, disorderly conduct and resisting arrest.
Amy Jankowski, 39, of 765 Broadway, Chelsea, was arrested for warrant felony default.
Eddy Kent, 56, of 252 Revere Beach Parkway, Chelsea, was arrested for assault and battery and failing to register as a sex offender.
Abraham Almodovar, 36, of 12 Clark Avenue, Chelsea, was arrested for distribution of Class A drug.
Joseph J. Griffin, 49, of 444 Harrison Street, Boston, was arrested for possession of Class A drug.
Michael Petersen, 27, of 311 Clifton Street, Malden, was arrested for unlicensed operation of motor vehicle.
May 11
Jeff M. Bosquet, 30, of 120 Vernal Street, Everett, was arrested for unarmed assault to rob and assault and battery.
May 12
Michael Paton, 27, of 35 Chestnut Street, Chelsea, was arrested for assault and battery, possession of Class E drug and kidnapping.
Felix J. Vega, 50, of 100 Bellingham Street, Chelsea, was arrested for aggravated assault and battery on pregnant person.