Senator Scott Brown’s appearance at the Boys and Girls Club breakfast earlier this week was a big hit.
Senator Brown’s comments were carefully listened to by the varied audience of community and business leaders which included City Manager Jay Ash.
This was the second visit to Chelsea by the inheritor of the late Senator Ted Kennedy’s senate seat – which Brown proved rather convincingly wasn’t Kennedy’s seat but the peoples’ seat.
Senator Brown has done the right thing since being elected to the senate.
He has not become a right wing Republican.
He doesn’t want to dismantle Social Security of Medicare.
He understands the plight of the working poor, or minorities, of those who need help from government.
After all, he’s from Massachusetts. He is the kind of senator we expect, even if he’s a Republican.
With $7 million in his campaign account, and with a clear sense of who he is and what he wants to stand for, Senator Brown is finding his legs, so to speak.
The crowd at the early morning breakfast was impressed with Senator Brown.
That he was there, kind of says it all.