Obituaries 05-26-2010

Pasquale ‘Pat’ Logiudice Retired State Parks and Recreation employee, World War II POW Pasquale P. “Pat” Logiudice, a retired State Parks and Recreation employee, passed away at the Halifax Medical Center in Daytono Beach, Florida on May 18. He was…

Chelsea fugitive apprehended

The Chelsea fugitive arrested in Rhode Island on an attempted murder warrant but who later escaped Chelsea Police custody back in April has been caught. The U.S. Marshal Service and Boston Police acting on a credible tip that was received…

Obituaries 05-19-2010

Stephen ‘Shalom’ Karp PhD Stanford Research Institute retiree Stephen “Shalom” Karp PhD of Adventura, Florida, died on May 6 after a long illness. He was 70 years old. He grew up in Chelsea, graduated from Tufts University and was in…

Wind is the future

Every time I pass the sight of the big wind turbine on the Forbes property I am pleased it is there. I wish there were hundreds of giant turbines like that one everywhere, generating clean, efficient energy all the time…