Veterans Day

The official Chelsea Soldiers Home Honor Guard is shown standing at attention with a variety of flags inside the packed auditorium of the headquarters at the Soldiers Home during Tuesday’s Veterans Day ceremony.

Veterans Day

It remains a cold, harsh and relentless world where millions upon millions of angry people wish and pray for our demise. They do more than that – as the events of September 11, 2001 proved. In Afghanistan and Iraq, and…

Arrest Report 11-10-2010

Monday, November 1 Raul Zelaya, 30, 94 Central Ave., Chelsea, was arrested for one-way violation, operation of motor vehicle unlicensed. Hugo Collaguazo-Plaza, 36, 173 Winnisimmet St., Chelsea, was arrested for operation of motor vehicle unlicensed. Issam Rhadfour, 30, 15 Freeman…