Category: Editorials

We are numb to the numbers

With mask requirements being lifted just about everywhere around the country, there is a general sense that the COVID-19 pandemic is over. But as we begin the third year of the pandemic, that is far from being true. The death…

A Silver Lining To Inflation

We saw a report on the news the other night about the effect that inflation is having on food prices thanks to supply chain issues that have arisen during the COVID-19 pandemic. The report highlighted that inflation is taking a…

Teacher Shortage Was Inevitable

An article in the Wall St. Journal this week highlighted yet another area of a labor shortage in the country that has been fueled by the COVID-19 pandemic: “Burned out teachers are leaving the classroom for jobs in the private…

Pres. Biden’s Supreme Court Pick

There has been criticism from the usual suspects regarding President Joe Biden’s declared intention to choose a Black woman for the U.S. Supreme Court seat to fill that of Justice Stephen Breyer, who announced his imminent retirement last week. We’d…

Omicron Can Lead to Long COVID

Public health officials have defined so-called long COVID as the physical, neurological, and cognitive symptoms that can persist indefinitely after infection. Over the past two years, we’ve all seen the countless news stories about the devastating effects of long COVID…