City Manager Jay Ash has worked wonders with the city budget. The city is sitting with more than $10 million in its account which is known as free cash. But the slowed economy has caused an erosion in tax receipts.…
Category: Editorials
The election
The city’s voters came out in great numbers Tuesday. More than 42% of all those registered to vote cast a ballot. The outcome, which seemed to hang in the balance, was predictable in the end. After all, Chelsea and all…
Development in Chelsea
How this city can continues to swim against a downward tide when it comes to new development is an extraordinary story of perseverance, smarts and knowing how to get a project done. City Manager Jay Ash has shown time and…
Be sure to vote Tuesday – It’s the best way to influence our government
Newspaper editorial writers routinely exhort their readers to “get out and vote” on Election Day. We typically write that in a democracy, voting is not merely the right of every citizen, but an obligation. It is the best means each…
Vote “No’ on question 2 – A No” saves jobs & affordable housing — and limits “snob zoning”
There are three questions on the ballot for the voters’ consideration in Tuesday’s election. Our readers no doubt are well-familiar with Questions 1 and 3, which call for a repeal of the sales tax on liquor and for a rollback…
Gang round-up
The local police along with the FBI and other police agencies rounded up a bunch of gang members Wednesday. This comes as great news to local residents who have been feeling the danger inherent in gun use and violence. Gangs…
The governor, again
Governor Deval Patrick’s visit to Chelsea two weeks ago showed how important community organizers are to the political process. Everyone the governor greeted at the Boys and Girls Club was an organizer working on the streets of Chelsea to register…
Thank you, Chief Fothergill
Five new Chelsea firefighters have been appointed utilizing Federal money. Chief Chuck Fothergill found that Federal money and came to make good use of it. By law, the city had to appoint these men from a rehire list, as those…
Combining forces
City Manager Jay Ash has been paying close attention to efforts by officials from Winthrop and Revere who are attempting to create a scenario by which they can combine their 911 calling centers in order to save money and reduce…
The new Brown Jug
The Brown Jug at its new location in the Home Depot Mall is nothing short of brilliant. Since opening in the mall, the Brown Jug has been packing them in, so to speak. Long time owner of the Brown Jug…