There was a time, and it was not so long ago, when a good part of this city literally shut down during the Passover holiday.
Those days are irretrievably gone and so too is the large population of Jewish people who once gave this city a great deal of its character.
They have been replaced by other groups of immigrant people with different customs and religions.
But for those remaining Jewish people in this city, Passover has not changed – and in fact – has not changed in more than 5,000 years.
The Jewish people celebrate their release from subjugation and slavery in ancient Egypt during the traditional Passover holiday.
They celebrate as well the beginning of their 40-year journey in the Sinai Desert and the ultimate result of that – the Diaspora – that is – the dispersion of the Jewish tribes to every end and corner of the earth.
We wish a Happy and healthy Passover to our Jewish readers and friends.
Their ancient cry of let my people go resonates in the Middle East today, where so many people in so many nations are struggling for personal freedom and democracy.
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