By Adam Swift
The zoning board quickly worked its way through a light agenda during its first meeting of the year last week.
The biggest project on the agenda, a request to construct a two-unit residential structure at 73 Library St. was continued at the request of the applicant to the board’s February meeting. That project requires a special permit and variance because it does not meet the minimum requirements for number of parking spaces, front yard setback and lot size.
The board heard a case involving parking at 57 and 75 Palmer Streets for the first time last week.
The two lots were at one time under common ownership and the parking for 75 Palmer was on 57 Palmer. However, the lots are now owned separately and a two-family project is underway at 57 Palmer St. The owners are seeking an easement to continue to allow parking for 75 Palmer St. on a portion of 57 Palmer St.
The project next goes to the planning board for a recommendation on Jan. 28 before coming back before the ZBA in February.
The ZBA also determined that planned modifications to a driveway at 63 Harvard St. is not a major modification to the previous approvals to the property and does not need to come back to the board for further approvals. The owner is seeking to expand the driveway and shift the retaining wall on one side of his property to compensate for issues with a retaining wall construction on the other side of the property.
The next ZBA meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, Feb. 11.