La Colaborativa, under the leadership of Executive Director Gladys Vega, hosted a gala to celebrate the opening of La Colaborativa’s Chelsea Survival Center Nov. 17 at the beautiful new facility located at 63 Sixth Street. The event was truly one…
Month: November 2023
Metropolitan Beaches Commission Holds In-Person Meeting
For the first time since the COVID-19 shutdown, the Metropolitan Beaches Commission gathered on Beacon Hill on October 31 for an in-person hearing on the state of the region’s beaches. This was also the first opportunity for the Commission to…
Discussion on the Outer Brewster Island Diaries at Winthrop Historical Meeting
Four Lowell women set out on a 17-day excursion on Great Brewster Island in July 1891. They referred to themselves as the Scribe, the Aristocrat, the Acrobat, and the Autocrat; and documented their self-discoveries in a hand- written diary that…
MBTA Releases Capital Needs Assessment and Inventory
The MBTA released its Capital Needs Assessment and Inventory (CNAI), an MBTA-led analysis conducted every three-four years to inventory the MBTA’s assets, understand the overall condition of the transit system, and identify assets that are not in a State of…
Happy Thanksgiving
A Harris poll a few years ago revealed that Christmas is the favorite holiday of the year among all age groups of Americans, but we think that Thanksgiving, our uniquely American holiday, has much more to recommend it than Christmas. Thanksgiving…
Guest Op-Ed: Bay Staters Deserve Opportunities To Build a Better Financial Future
By Jeffrey Rosario Turco, and Francisco E. Paulino Whether you grew up in Revere, Winthrop, Lawrence, Brighton, or Boston, every community in the Commonwealth values kitchen-table issues; an honest day’s work, safe streets, affordable homes, good schools, access to quality and…
Bruins Beat: Bruins: The Beat Goes On
In a game that if it had a soundtrack, it could be…The Four Seasons’ “Oh What A Night.” The Tampa Bay Lightning proved to not be a very nice host as they took on the visiting Bruins, toyed with them,…
Obituaries 11-22-2023
Sonny Richard Lepore “Legendary Chelsea Barber” Relatives and friends are most kindly invited to attend visiting hours in the Welsh Funeral Home, 718 Broadway, Chelsea on Friday, November 24, from 4 to 8 p.m. for Sonny Richard J. Lepore, who passed…
GBCH Holds Scarlett Soirée
The Governor Bellingham-Cary House (GBCH) was illuminated in red during the first annual Scarlett Soirée on November 4. The evening’s theme celebrated the appearance of Massachusetts Governor Richard Bellingham in Nathaniel Hawthorne’s 1850 romance, “The Scarlett Letter.” “We decided to…
CHS Performing Arts Students Pay Tribute to Chelsea Veterans Through Music, Song
Special to the Record Last week, Performing Arts students from Chelsea High School showed their appreciation for local veterans by performing a two annual Veterans Day events in the City of Chelsea. The CHS Cantare, Concert Band and Orchestra played…