As the primary elections come to a close, I would like to congratulate the three candidates for the courage to get involved in local politics. Congratulations to my colleague Councilor Luis Tejada for making it to the next round alongside Melinda Vega-Maldonado and a special shout out to Olivia Walsh. As one of only two women on the City Council, I am excited about more women being involved. When I first ran in 2015, there was only one woman on the City Council and no Latino representation.
According to the last U.S. Census, 65% of our population in Chelsea is Latinx and about 50% are women. Though we’ve been able to increase leadership on the City Council that’s reflective of our community, there is a continued need to make sure governance reflects the ideals and values of all our voices. We need representation that understands our intersectionality and as a lifelong resident, I do.
Our young people being engaged and paying attention is a reflection of us being able to lead with integrity and transparency on all fronts. It is not enough to be a passive observer without the courage to push back against injustice and inequities when they surface. We need bold and unequivocal leadership that prioritizes Chelsea and is capable of building coalitions as we build forward together.
As a mother I am reminded daily of the Love and Labor Women hold in the workplace, around childcare and schools and especially in local governance. My organizing efforts have reflected intergenerational partnerships and dialogues that have made us all better. With the progress we have made it is important to me that we continue cultivating these values together.
We celebrate our differences as that is a part of this City’s great fabric. As your City Councilor I have made decisions and spoken up loudly against any issue that attempts to drown out or overpower the lives of residents that have been marginalized. It is important that our Council body have an awareness and commitment to equity that cares for every resident in our community.
I am proud to stand with you, more so during these times as the national dialogue incites a sense of “otherness” that we do not tolerate here. We should always be proud of our deep roots and we deserve leadership that will guarantee that our values are upheld in every facet of decision making. I will continue to be a staunch advocate for justice and the people of our city. Only with true representation on the City Council, will we be able to create just policies and ordinances that are reflective of the people it serves.
I am running to spread my message of One Chelsea. As a lifelong resident, I know together we can continue to be present for our children, our local businesses, our neighbors and the visitors that are discovering our beautiful community. A community that is vibrant, diverse and rich with flavors from around the globe.
My record of leading with authenticity and transparency is exactly what we need to do to continue to work cohesively with city & state delegations in solving our housing crisis through an equitable lens; standing up against state agencies if we aren’t treated fairly; empowering our youth particularly through nurturing relationships and spaces that support their valuable contributions.
Now is a time for unity around the issues that attempt to push people out of being empowered active participants in the planning of what this city can be. As your City Councilor, and someone who understands our lived experiences, I will continue to lead for you, for us and our vibrant city.
I have proven time and time again that I am willing to make informed decisions despite its popularity. Building partnerships requires a willingness of all involved to arrive with an open mind and a shared commitment to taking steps that improves the quality of life for all our residents.
I am excited to see our community come together at our Official Campaign Kick off, Thursday, October 10. Join us at Emiliana’s Fiesta,
Located at 35 4th St. at 6 p.m.
Visit my website to stay tuned to all of what is to come and to be a part of our Campaign!
You can RSVP for our Campaign kick-off there and Looking forward to this all with you.