The City released the 2018 payroll figures for the City of Chelsea this week. The top earner was once again Chief Brian Kyes at $230,344, as per his recent contract. For the police earners, much of the gross salary listed also include detail pay, the vast majority of which does not come from City funds. Of the Top 10 highest paid, eight were from the Police or Fire Departments. City Manager Tom Ambrosino checked in at number 10, making $180,441.
Brian Kyes Chief of Police $230,344.33
Joseph Fern Sergeant $211,872.46
Thomas Dunn Captain Police Dept. $205,872.85
Waynen Ulwick Deputy Chief $203,288.67
Keith Houghton Captain Police Dept. $197,453.50
David Batchelor Captain Police Dept. $194678.46
John Quatieri Deputy Chief $183,497.21
Mary Bourque Superintendent 225 $182,148.98
Robert Houghton Deputy Chief $182,019.22
Thomas Ambrosino City Mgr. $180,441.72
Hector Gonzalez Sergeant $176,440.18
Michael Thompson Captain Fire Dept. $166,379.54
Michael Masucci Deputy Chief $166,189.31
Paul Giancola Deputy Chief $166,978.20
Edwin Nelson Lt. Police Dept. $164,488.50
Michael Addonizio Sergeant $162.911.18
Edward McGarry Deputy Chief $161,706.80
David Flibotte Sergeant $160,531.80
Rony Gobin Capt. Fire Dept. $158,983.82
John Noftle Sergeant $156,654.04
Robert Denning Capt. Fire Dept. $156,582.07
Leonard Albanese Fire Chief $156,436.80
Paul Doherty Capt. Fire Dept. $156,210.97
William Dana Capt. Police Dept. $155,886.74
Daniel Delaney Lt. Police Dept. $153,015.37
William Briquela Sergeant $151,980.26
Stephen Purcell Capt. Fire Dept. $151,220.30
Michael Gurska Capt. Fire Dept. $150,926.52
David Betz Lt. Police Dept. $149,452.67
Scott Conley Patrolman $148,971.14
William Krasco Patrolman $148,129.25
Thomas McLain Patrolman $147,994.81
Brian Dunn Lt. Police Dept. $146,432.04
Richard Wilcox Lt. Fire Dept. $146,159.30
Lyle Abell Patrolman $145,456.77
Robert Moschella Patrolman $144,743.05
Linda Breau Dep/Asst. Superintendent $144,048.58
Anthony D’Alba Sergeant $143,491.93
Richard Carroccino Capt. Fire Dept. $142,271.06
Robert Cameron Deputy Chief $141,745.95
Priti Johari Asst. Super 225 $141,549.97
Philip Rogers Capt. Fire Dept. $141,486.55
Nicole McLaughlin Patrolman $138,758.46
Gerald McCue Director Exempt $138,498.37
Jacqueline Maloney Principal 220 $138,370.05
Michael Lee Capt. Fire Dept. $137,816.45
David Rizzuto Lt. Police Dept. $135,789.24
Edward Keefe Deputy City Mgr. $134,355.42
Richard Perisie Deputy Chief $133,742.54
Jon Maldonado Patrolman $133,573.84
Angelica Guerra Patrolman $133,489.66
Adele Lubarsky Principal 220 $133,299.92
Philip Merritt Capt. Fire Dept. $133,167.89
Sarah Kent Asst. Super 220 $132,598.96
Randy Grajal Teacher $132,365.77
Anthony Tiro Lt. Fire Dept. $129,619.11
Cindy Rosenberg Director/SPED $129,238.46
John Bower Lt. Police Dept. $129,087.69
Michael Villanueva Patrolman $128,705.88
Michael Nee Sergeant $128,519.44
Ronald Schmidt Principal 220 $128,419.34
Stephen Garcia Patrolman $128,106.06
Joseph Capistran Patrolman $128,032.49
Garrison Daniel Patrolman $127,915.71
Linda Barber Asst. Principal $127,803.92
Gary Poulin Firefighter $127,245.49
Sylvia Vazquez Teacher $126,762.71
Joseph Stutto Patrolman $126,042.52
Mark Martineau Asst. Principal $125,942.86
David Bishop Lt. Fire Dept. $125,542.09
Michelle Martinello Principal 220 $125,500.04
Christian Lehmann Lt. Fire Dept. $125,163.61
Jose Torres Firefighter $124,622.98
Joanne O’Brien Patrolman $124,618.74
Michael Noone Patrolman $124,616.70
Richard Bellomo Patrolman $124,592.28
Michael Talbot Principal 200 $123,749.98
Mark Aliberti Lt. Fire Dept. $123,739.98
Augustus Casucci Patrolman $123,288.79
Cheryl Fisher City Solicitor $122,859.54
Adam Deleidi Principal 220 $122,500.04
Paul McCarthy Patrolman $121,779.06
Paul Marchese Patrolman $121,317.29
Star Chung Patrolman $121,169.07
Joseph Cooney Dir. Of Blgds/Grounds $121,153.88
Julie Shea Principal 220 $120,750.11
Nathaniel Meyers Principal 220 $120,500.05
Christopher Troisi Patrolman $120,363.74
Daniel Dejordy Lt. Fire Dept. $120,334.37
Long Lam Patrolman $118,106.45
Carlos Vega Patrolman $117,787.32
Joan Sullivan Director Exempt $117,584.55
Bertram Taverna Dir. Of Public Works $117,344.83
Juan Sanchez Patrolman $117,235.48
Alan Beausoleil Coordinator $116,774.31
John Coen Sergeant $116,114.05
David Batchelor Patrolman $116,023.49
Robert Brown Capt. Fire Dept. $115,978.37 Damon Peykar Coordinator $115,667.73