On December 7, 1941 Japan bombed Pearl Harbor on sneak attack early on Sunday morning causing destruction and loss of life, nearly 3,000 casualties.
We are mourning on this day of December 7, the 75 year anniversary of Pearl Harbor.
We had a lot of veterans visiting Pearl Harbor for memorial every year, especially those who were Pearl Harbor survivors.
Each year the veterans are less from World War II, not too many left including myself. The battleship USS Arizona was sunk with many sailors going down with it.
Battleship USS Arizona is a shrine and memorial for this country to remember the heroes that are gone. God Bless them all. Thirty years ago I went to visit the Arizona Memorial and every so often a drop of oil will come up and spread in a circle like a rainbow, it gives a chill in your spine even to this day it’s happening. It shows you if there was life down below.
Wake up America.