City leaders said this week that they won’t be able to implement the new, sweeping residential parking program on Jan. 1st, but will instead set things in motion on Feb. 1st.
In the meantime, residents and the City will be able to prepare for the major, citywide change.
“We were hoping to get it in by January 1st, but printing needs and our desire to give people enough time to comply with the various aspects of the new regulation have meant that we felt like we should push it back another month,” advised City Manager Jay Ash.
Once implemented, vehicles parking on city streets overnight will require a pass or a visitor placard, and a daytime ban will be in effect throughout several areas of the city.
Ash said that he will be using January to communicate more thoroughly with local residents.
“We’ll be doing a great deal of public education just after January 1st,” said Ash.
Prior to Feb. 1st, free residential parking stickers to eligible motorists will be mailed. Eligibility includes having a passenger vehicle registered in the city with no outstanding fines or excise taxes owed. Other motorists or those wishing to acquire visitor stickers will be able to visit City Hall after Jan. 1st to secure their parking needs.