The Chelsea Mobilizing for Change Coalition in collaboration with Chelsea Schools, the REACH Program, City of Chelsea and Chelsea Police Department held a Town Hall Meeting called “Performing for Prevention” on March 21st. Wednesday’s Town Hall Meeting, held at the main gym of Chelsea high school, featured the highly acclaimed” Improbable Players” and several youth performances that focused on preventing youth underage drinking and use of other drugs. Over 125 youth attended the event where strong messages were given using theatrical skits, singing, and dance.
City Council President Leo Robinson served as the MC for the first part of the program, City Manager Jay Ash shared with the group and stressed the importance of making good choices, and Chief Brian Kyes spoke about the importance of prevention and youth involvement in community change.
Performers included the 7th grade REACH participants rendering a powerful dance emphasizing drug free choices; Ediberto Carmenatty singing the late Whitney Houston’s “I Didn’t Know My Own Strength”; Stephanie Rodriguez, Coalition Coordinator, acting her own powerful poem on domestic violence and alcohol addiction; and Jose Romero and Stephanie Medina’s dance performance of Michael Jackson’s “ Man in the Mirror”.
The event was funded through the federal Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administrative Services (SAMHSA) and John’s Pizza was the corporate sponsor donating pizza for all after the event.