Senate candidate Elizabeth Warren is shown above speaking with City Manager Jay Ash and State Senator Sal DiDomenico during a tour of Chelsea Tuesday morning.
Call it running hard. Call it running smart. Call it what you will.
US Senate hopeful Elizabeth Warren visited Chelsea again earlier this week.
It was Warren’s fourth time visiting the city and touring it or attending a private function since she announced for the senate a few months back.
This time around she came with State Senator Sal DiDomenico, who walked all around Bellingham Square introducing Warren to local businesspeople, shoppers and to men and women on the street.
She spent longer than an hour here and then she was off to another campaign stop nearby.
She has recently appeared in Revere and Winthrop as well.
“It is a pleasure to be here,” Warren said. “Chelsea has a wonderful feel. It is so alive,” she added.
With Ash, she talked about the Republicans trying to make the case that poor people don’t pay taxes or that poor people are paid for by the rich.
“That just isn’t so,” she said. “All of us, no matter how little or how much we make contributes,” she said.
Ash looked approvingly on Warren’s visits to Chelsea.
“She likes it here. I’m pleased. Certainly, we all welcome her,” he said.
Warren is running against Senator Scott Brown, whose backers are now giving him national help to project his image as a real lawmaker to protect his prized seat, that which was formerly held by the late Senator Ted Kennedy.
Senator Brown has been to Chelsea several times so far in this election year.
He cuts a strong image and he’s made some key leadership type moves recently by introducing and getting passed a bill in the Senate that stops insider trading by senators and representatives.
The Warren-Brown contest is shaping up into a real contest.
Chelsea is figuring to be a part of that battle if both candidates’ early visits are an indication of things to come.