A billboard that will rise 70-feet into the air and tower over a local middle school has passed muster with the City’s Planning Board after a presentation by the proponent, Boston Outdoor Adventures, on Tuesday night.
The billboard is proposed to be placed at 214 Arlington Ave., which is on top of the New England Sculpture Service building and adjacent to Route 1, the Eugene Wright Middle School and the state office building complex.
The billboard face will be standard size.
Planning Board members were apparently a little skeptical of the idea at the outset, but saw fit by the end of the presentation to recommend that the Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA) approve the plan.
Boston Outdoor Ventures LLC is a New York-based outdoor advertising company and already holds licenses to several billboards in Boston, Quincy and Lynn.
Now that the Planning Board has approved the matter, the City’s ZBA will consider the proposal at their December 13 regular meeting.
The billboard will be illuminated by traditional lighting 24-hours a day.