Last minute campaigning is being conducted fast and furious in the political camps of Everett City Councilor Sal DiDomenico and Cambridge Attorney Tim Flaherty throughout the sprawling senatorial district reaching from Saugus to Allston-Brighton.
With substantial, multiple political mailings, newspaper advertising and high profile visibilities, both DiDomenico and Flaherty are like thoroughbred horses racing nose to nose to the finish line next Tuesday.
Political observers, however, believe the match might well be won in Charlestown, Chelsea and Cambridge that are perceived as growing Flaherty strongholds.
Chelsea officials believe 1200-2000 voters could turn out on Tuesday.
Charlestown officials said figures would closely resemble Chelsea’s and in Everett it is estimated about 3,000 voters may turn out.
Polling reveals Flaherty surging in Charlestown and Chelsea.
In Cambridge, Flaherty said he needs to stay with the pack and to keep the distance between the spates of Cambridge candidates close.
As many as 10,000 – 12,000 voters district-wide are expected to turnout on Tuesday.
With policy pieces published in local newspapers covering a wide variety of political issues, DiDomenico and Flaherty have outflanked all other candidates running for former senator Anthony Galluccio’s senate seat.
Galluccio was forced to resign the seat following a probation violation.
That set off a special election.
The short period of campaigning that has resulted put Flaherty and DiDomenico nose to nose because of their name recognition and visibility in the district.
DiDomenico gained his visibility as Galluccio’s chief of staff.
Galluccio’s senate office was an active advocate for residents throughout the sprawling district and DiDomenico came to know the district well.
Flaherty ran for Galluccio’s seat once before.
In doing so, he set the standard for the run he has been making for the seat this time around.
Flaherty’s backers have run their campaign with precision and with an eye toward raising his visibility, raising his name recognition, and by reaching out to voters who they know will be coming out.
Flaherty’s performances outdistanced that of DiDomenico at the series of public forums that were held in Chelsea, Cambridge and Allston-Brighton. In fact, Flaherty’s speaking abilities were noted as superior all around the district.
DiDomenico’s supporters admit this but believe that DiDomenico’s strength surpasses that of Flaherty in voting wards and precincts. Speaking isn’t everything, they believe.
With Tuesday barreling down the tracks like a runaway locomotive, mailings have been sent out by DiDomenico and Flaherty.
Michael Albano of Chelsea, another candidate causing a small stir, has also sent out a last minute mailing and is campaigning all over the district.
DiDomenico and Flaherty have raised and spent between them about $240,000.
Albano has raised almost $75,000.
Both DiDomenico and Flaherty are determined to spend whatever they’ve raised before election day.