Author: Record Staff

Boys Hoop Team Defeats Revere, 57-54

The Chelsea High boys basketball team concluded their championship regular season in style and with a flourish with a 57-54 win over Revere in a non league encounter last Wednesday. The Red Devils, who will be hanging another Commonwealth Athletic…

Bunker Hill Day

Erasing the Bunker Hill Holiday in Suffolk County is a disgrace. It is an insult to all those who died or were wounded fighting the British at Bunker Hill in the name of the Revolution. The holiday, so say the…

Police Briefs 02-24-2011

Monday, February 14 Oscar Justiniano, 17, 21 Hawthorne St., Chelsea, was arrested on a felony warrant. Romero Artica, 42, 49 Shurtleff St., Chelsea, was arrested for assault and battery, resisting arrest. Tuesday, February 15 Ricardo De La Cruz-Sanchez, 25, 148…

Obituaries 02-24-2011

Margaret Costantini Of Peabody, formerly of East Boston Margaret (Moscatelli) Costantini of Peabody, formerly of East Boston, died on February 22 at the Radius Healthcare Facility in Danvers. She was 76 years old. Born in Boston, she was the daughter…