Author: Record Staff

Community Garden Soil Seminar

On Weds., Oct 1, at 7 p.m. the Chelsea Community Garden will hold a seminar entitled “Gardening Safely in Urban Soils:  Interpreting Soil Sampling Results.” The seminar will take place indoors at the Chelsea Community Schools in the Williams School

MCAS To Be Discussed

The Chelsea School Committee will meet on Wednesday Oct. 1 to review the recently released MCAS data for the district. Data is currently being reviewed for the district and will be presented to the Committee formally at the meeting. Data…

Sports 09-25-2014

Red Devils host Esssex Tech Friday The Chelsea High football team will seek to get on the winning track this week when the Red Devils host Essex Tech for a Friday Night Lights encounter at Chelsea Stadium tomorrow evening. Kick-off…

Obituaries 09-25-2014

James DeFelice Retired Astrophysicist at Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory in Cambridge; Active Volunteer James C. DeFelice of Chelsea a kind and unassuming gentleman who put his family, church and work first and who celebrated his 85th birthday in April, passed away…

Smart911 is Now Available to Residents

City Manager Jay Ash announced today that Smart911 is now available to all residents.  Smart911 is a free service that allows people to create a Safety Profile for their household that can include any information they may want 9-1-1 telecommunicators…