The Chelsea Public Schools held its annual CPS Convocation, the first in-person Convocation since 2019, Aug. 29 at Chelsea High School.
Following breakfast in the school cafeteria, Supt. of Schools Dr. Almi Abeyta, School Committee Chairwoman Kelly Garcia, and City Council President Leo Robinson delivered remarks as part of the program.
Michael Bonner, a renowned leader, educator, author, and philanthropist, was the special guest speaker.
Bonner shared a message with the Chelsea educators about the impact they have on students. The theme of his keynote address centered on the challenges he faced as an educator and how he chose not to quit, but rather rise up to the challenges facing him.
T-shirts, featuring the inspiring theme – “We Rise Together,” for the Chelsea schools, which was authored by Dr. Almi Abeyta, were distributed to Chelsea teachers and administrators at the event.