Joseph Perlatonda former City councilor announces his candidacy for Councilor -At-Large. Joseph who has lived in Chelsea for the past 17 years and as a Councilor for 6 years knows what it takes to serve the residents of Chelsea.
The following is his statement:
I know this has been a tough year for all of us but Chelsea needs a Councilor-at-Large person who you can count on and be around whenever needed.
There are several topics that need to be addressed, especially Building a Safer and Better Future for all. Safety is always my number one priority along with:
Education: As we continue to grow we must develop and continue to have a good education system for our future children.
Housing: Create a stable home that is truly affordable for families.
Employment: Must have a job market that provides stability for our entire citizens and residents of Chelsea.
Parks: Ensure our parks are safe for not only Chelsea residents but for those who visit our city to enjoy.
Parking: Provide a parking system that works for all of us here that will provide and accommodate the growing number of vehicles.
Business: Strive to encourage keeping and bringing new businesses to Chelsea as they are the backbone that keep our city going.
GreenSpace: Create and preserve Chelsea’s open green spaces by taking over abandoned parcels of land and using them to create parks for all of us to enjoy.
And let’s not forget our elderly who are the pioneers of this city who have kept us going and may be in need of services that we should provide, and our veterans who served us so we can live in a better place like Chelsea which will continue to grow.
As I propose all of these and will continue working with all of you 24-7, let’s not forget where we all came from and keep Building a Safer and Better Future for all and keep Chelsea the great and beautiful city and community that it is today.
With my help as a Councilor – at -Large there is nothing that can stop us from continuing moving forward and accomplish all and more of these things I discussed.
So if you want someone that is going to be around, show up for meeting and be your voice with past experience and willing to work with all of you no matter how big or small the issue may be, then you need to Vote for Joseph Perlatonda Councilor – At- Large on Tuesday November 2, 2021. Polls open at 7a.m.- 8p.m.