The Rev. Sandra Whitley, who has been a highly visible leader in the Chelsea community for more than a decade, is leaving the city and relocating to New Bedford.
A committee has planned a farewell celebration for the Rev. Whitley and her husband, the Rev. Kenneth Whitley, who are pastors at the A.M.E. Church in Chelsea.
The Rev. Dr. Sandra Whitley has been a high-energy force in local organizations such as the Rotary Club of Chelsea. Her leadership of the city’s Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Celebration has been extraordinary, bringing the community together each January to honor the revered civil rights leader.
The Rev. Whitley had a key role at the Chelsea Black Community’s virtual events this year in observance of Black History Month.
Sue Gallant, a past president of the Rotary Club and Chelsea Chamber of Commerce, lauded the Rev. Dr. Sandra Whitley for her exceptional leadership of the Rotary Club and her overall contributions to the community. “Reverend Whitley has been an enthusiastic member of the Chelsea community and the Chelsea Rotary Club,” said Gallant. “During her presidency she brought new ideas to the club which included more faith-based projects and initiatives. She also had great style. She will be missed.”
Saritin Rizzuto, past president of the Rotary Club, also commended Whitley’s service to Chelsea.
“I miss working with Rev. Sandra Whitley,” said Rizzuto. “She’s a positive force in our community who is always willing to go the extra mile for our homeless community.”
Councillor-at-Large Leo Robinson said, “Rev. Whitley gave the City of Chelsea 14 great years,” said Robinson. “Organizing the Dr. Martin Luther King Breakfast and working with homeless youth, providing socks and other items – she has been a goodwill ambassador for our city, and I wish her well in all her future endeavors.”