Clark Ave school Meal Site Gets a Heart-felt Surprise Friday

Amazingly, it only took a few paper Market Basket grocery bags, a colored marker and a lot of sincere good will to make the day for school meal distribution workers at the Clark Avenue Middle School – as well as for workers and volunteers in the program across the whole city’s five sites.

Since March 16, about 17 school food service workers and about 12 volunteers citywide have been providing breakfast and lunch to students and young people in the schools who are now at home. Many do not have enough to eat, and as the pandemic has escalated, the need and numbers of students coming for food has been extraordinary.

Amanda Muniz, director of food service, said they have now been serving 4,000 meals per day at the five sites, and it has taken a toll on the workers there who know many of the kids from when school was in session.

So it was, last Friday, when Christine Follis and her crew showed up for their daily distribution to the young kids, they found a note on the front door.

“You are all here rain or shine,” read the note written on the inside of a paper shopping bag. “You are appreciated. Chelsea Strong. We are one. We see you from across the street. Thanks.”

Follis said it was heartwarming and really picked them up.

“We got there and saw it and it felt really good for people to show their gratitude for what we’re doing,” she said. “It’s heartwarming to see that and people coming here say Thank You all the time. You know they need this food. We’re doing it and helping people who are experiencing unfortunate times now. It’s a wonderful thing to know people see that. We know a lot of families that don’t have food now.”

Muniz said everyone across the city’s food distribution sites soon got the pictures texted to them, and the entire crew of workers and volunteers really were encouraged.

“It was so nice to see something positive,” she said. “We’ve really received a lot of positive feedback from people. It boosted the mood of the staff. Christine was so happy she cried. She and her staff are so appreciated. The staff across the city heard about and everyone has worked so hard – it just made out day…Everyone felt confident what they were doing was worth it and important right now.”

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