Endorsement of Mark Rossi for City Council -At- Large
Dear Editor:
Chelsea Fire Fighters Local 937 are proud to endorse Mark Rossi for Chelsea City Council. He has the leadership, drive and willingness to be a bold effective leader for the City of Chelsea. We have seen Mark Rossi engage with residents, our members and others in the community with an open mind and fresh perspective.
When we met with Mark Rossi to discuss his candidacy he spoke with us about why he thought he would make a good councillor and about how he would interact with the unions in our city. To quote him directly he said, “A strong union protects its members so they can protect all of us.” We do not want special treatment or favors from our politicians, we just want to be treated fairly by our administration and city leadership. Our main goal is to protect the residents of Chelsea and to do that we need to know our union members have the resources they need both at work and at home to show up 100 percent every day. Mark Rossi understands how important this is and we trust that as a Councillor he will listen to every concern brought to him by our union and the residents of the City of Chelsea.
Chelsea Firefighters, Local 937 are proud to endorse Mark Rossi for the office of Chelsea City Council.
Brian Capistran
President, Local 937
Chelsea Firefighters, Local 937, Endorse Roy Avellaneda for Councilor-At-Large
Dear Editor:
I personally wanted to thank you for taking the time to talk with the members of Local 937 at our monthly Union meeting where you shared your goals with us as well as listened to our perspective on the status of the Chelsea Fire Department and public safety issues at the city level.
With your education, experience and leadership, we believe that you are best served as our elected Councilor-At-Large for the City of Chelsea.
We are pleased to inform you that the Executive Board of Chelsea Fire, Local 937 has voted to endorse your candidacy for Councilor-At-Large for the City of Chelsea. We look forward to working with you in the future.
Brian Capistran
President, Local 937