Irresponsible management decisions
Editor’s note: The following letter was sent to the Chelsea City Council Tuesday night from the Teamsters Union addressing allegations of labor contract violations.
Dear Councilors,
I am writing to make you aware of turmoil caused by irresponsible management decisions at the Chelsea 911 Emergency Dispatch Center. Teamsters Local 25 represents the dispatchers and management has made the decision to not follow the bidding procedures as outlined in the Collective Bargaining Agreement and has systematically changed work rules as it seems fit. Two grievances have been filed and two labor charges have been filed with the Massachusetts Department of Labor Relations.
These dispatchers serve the residents of Chelsea with distinction under stressful conditions including the recent blizzards and State of Emergency. The uncertainty and chaos created by management decisions has added extreme and unnecessary stress to a job that is stressful to begin with. As a City Councilor please ask the Director of Emergency Communications, the Human Resource Director and Acting City Manager to explain why that in a State of Emergency they would make such poor management decisions that have an adverse affect on our first responders who work to protect the citizens of Chelsea. Thank you,
Sean M. O’Brien
President/Principal Officer