Delivering babies is usually reserved for people in white coats and surgical masks, but increasingly in Chelsea bringing bouncing babies into the world has rested on folks in fire engines and fire hats.
Fire crews have delivered no fewer than three babies in the past year.
Engine 3 was dispatched on Monday to 2 Clinton Ct. for the medical aid.
Upon arrival, however, Engine 3 found a 35-year-old female lying left lateral recumbent with abdominal pain radiating to her lower back.
She was reported to be at full term and it was her sixth pregnancy, with five children already in the home.
The woman stated her pain started around 10 p.m. Sunday night. She denied her water breaking, and Firefighter Anthony Salvucci assessed the patient and found no crowning or fluid.
EMS arrived on scene and asked to bring up a stretcher.
However, as they were bringing it up, the woman stated she felt the need to push – and everyone knew what that meant.
Fire crews assisted her to the ground, and she lay prone with a blanket under her. All of the sudden, the baby was crowning and was on its way.
Within seconds, the head was delivered and Salvucci assisted with delivering the baby.
As the baby was delivered, EMS came into the room and began to assist in getting the baby to breath.
The baby was stimulated with vigorous rubbing and began to cry. The baby was placed on the mother’s chest and the crew continued to clean and stimulate the baby while EMS cut the umbilical cord.
The baby was wrapped in a blanket and taken to a waiting ambulance, though it appeared healthy and ready for life.
Perhaps there might be a side job in the making for this engine company.