DPW Director Joe Foti (r) and Foreman Lam Vu planted the traffic island on Carter Street recently, transforming a weedy, asphalt roadway separation into a welcoming environment for CHS students coming and going from school. “Sometimes, it’s the little things that make a community special,” said Foti, who had many compliments for Vu and his DPW crew for constructing the walled planting area next to the Rt. 1 overpass. “We’re all excited about the $6 million Washington Avenue reconstruction project, but doing a couple of $1,000 dollar jobs like this can beautify an area and let our kids know how much we love them and hope for them.” Foti says he is interested in doing more “adopt an island” type projects in Chelsea, and encourages anyone wishing to partner with DPW to contact him at [email protected].