The Chelsea City Council’s recent vote to keep City Manager Jay Ash in Chelsea was a profile in courage for that board. It showed, above all else, that this city council is responsible, clear thinking, business minded and concerned about…
TJ Maxx Opening Sunday
Chelsea’s TJ Maxx store opening will be held Sunday at the Demoulas’s Mall. The opening of this major retailing outlet is a wonderful shot in the arm to the local economy and will give as well a boost in creating…
Police Briefs 03-24-2011
March 14 Milton Velis, 26, 9 Crescent Ave., Chelsea, was arrested for operating motor vehicle unlicensed, red light violation. Augustine Arevalo, 55, 47 Chelsea St., East Boston, was arrested for trespassing. Carlos DeLeon Robles, 29, 55 Park St., Lynn, was…
Obituaries 03-24-2011
Sukontha ‘Susie’ Rockwood Waitress at Revere’s China Roma Sukontha “Susie” Rockwood died at her Chelsea home after a two year battle with cancer on March 20. She was 65 years old. A native of Bangkok, Thailand, she arrived in the…
Council Approves Ash’s Contract by 11-0 Vote
The Chelsea City Council voted to accept City Manager Jay Ash’s new contract by a unanimous vote following brief remarks made by a number of councilors, all of whom praised Ash and said they were pleased he will be staying…
Flatley/O’Flaherty St. Patrick’s Dinner/Dance a Big Success
The John F. Kennedy Knights of Columbus Hall in Charlestown was packed to capacity Friday night for the 25th Annual Flatley Company St. Patrick’s Day celebration. Representative Gene O’Flaherty and the Flatleys made it all happen, again. There was the…
Chelsea Woman Admits Starting Fire
A Chelsea woman was held on $1 million cash bail last week after a Suffolk County prosecutor said she admitted to setting a Christmas Eve fire that killed 20-year-old Crystal Blanchard, left her boyfriend with third-degree burns, and injured two…
Chelsea Still the Most Affordable
Special to the Chelsea Record City Manager Jay Ash measures success in many ways. Announcing that Chelsea remains the most affordable place in the area to own and occupy a single-family house is one that particularly brings a smile to…
Congressman Markey is Right
Congressman Edward Markey has suggested that nuclear plants being planned for right now cannot be built on earthquake fault lines. He would like that bit of solid reasoning to be the equivalent of a law. We agree with Congressman Markey…
Mark Moschella
The death of Mark Moschella recently at the age of 48 is all about sadness. However, his death brought out a few thousand of his friends and relatives and people he had known all his life to the wake at…
The Japanese Tsunami
It wasn’t just the earthquake – but the tsunami that followed the record breaking earthquake that has resulted in possibly 10,000 dead or swept away, an entire region of the nation laid bare of homes, buildings, schools infrastructure and now,…
Perez Named MVP at CAC All-Star Game
Chelsea High basketball player Victoria Perez was named the MVP of the Commonwealth Conference All-Star Game held Sunday at Presentation of Mary Academy in Methuen. Chelsea High coach Matt LaBranche coached the West team in the game. The East prevailed…