Just about a year ago 250 volunteers descended on an abandoned urban lot and transformed it into a vibrant, new playground and community garden. This new playground, at the corner of Heard Street and Spruce Street, was made possible through…
CHA Director Will Stay on at Lower Pay Rate While Contract Case Meanders Through Courts
The Chelsea Housing Authority (CHA) Board has forcibly reduced the annual salary of Executive Director Al Ewing, and Ewing has agreed to stay on as an at-will employee after a showdown at the Board’s monthly meeting last Wednesday, June 27th.…
T Raises Fares
The T gave its ridership a nice Fourth of July holiday greeting and thank you – a 23% fare raise. With the new fares now in effect, riders will begin feeling the higher prices for rapid transit on every ride…
Looking at the City
Not enough attention can be paid to Starbucks opening its doors here in the mall. For those of us for whom this city has been our life, the opening of the Starbucks marked a unique moment in Chelsea’s evolution. I’ve…
Chelsea Still the Most Affordable
The story of Chelsea’s turnaround has been trumpeted numerous times recently, but lost in that story is that single-family home owners in Chelsea continue to have one of the best deals going. In statistics released by City Manager Jay Ash…
The Fourth of July Celebration
It will be a thoughtful day for many of those celebrating the Fourth of July holiday. Virtually nothing about our lives is the way it used to be anymore. Everything about American life is vastly changed. The future looks uncertain.…
Obituaries 07-03-2012
James Thompson Of Chelsea, formerly of East Boston James F. Thompson of Chelsea, formerly of East Boston, died on June 24. He was the cherished son of Mary (Gleeson) Thompson of Texas and the late James Thompson; dear brother of…
River Revel
Volunteers at the 9th Annual Chelsea River Revel helped during the successful event. Events included a kiddie race , a 5K road race, boat tours, canoeing and kayaking. The River Revel is coordinated by the Chelsea Collaborative and sponsored by…
Starbucks Means More Than Just Coffee
For many places in the country, the opening of a Starbucks Coffee store means nothing more than good coffee close to home, but for Chelsea, last Friday’s opening of Starbucks meant those outside the city truly believe in its possibilities.…
Suffolk Downs President Chip Tuttle Meets with Chamber of Commerce
About 30 members of the Chelsea Chamber of Commerce listened intently early Monday morning inside a meeting room at the Wyndham Hotel as Suffolk Downs President Chip Tuttle described the development to take place at Suffolk Downs if and when…
High Honors for Margo Johnson
Margo Johnson, administrative assistant for the adolescent and pediatric unit at MGH Chelsea HealthCare Center, is one of the city’s true unsung heroes. You can see her imprint and contribution to such community wide events as Family Literacy Day at…
State Commission Releases Report Sparked by Chelsea Housing Fiasco
A governor-appointed state commission has released a draft report with key reforms to the state’s numerous housing authorities – reforms that were triggered by the meltdown last fall at the Chelsea Housing Authority (CHA) and include centralizing back office functions…