Category: News

Open Mic

Professional comedian Larry Lee Lewis (right) will host a monthly open Microphone Comedy night starting on thursday, sept. 29 at 8:30 p.m. at the Brown jug, 1014 revere Beach Parkway in the home Depot Plaza between McDonald’s and CVs. Lewis…

Twenty Years and Counting

On September 12, 1991, the city of Chelsea collapsed under the weight of social, moral, and economic bankruptcy. After decades of falling into the ground, its population fleeing to the suburbs, its housing stock tired and old, its politics hopelessly…

September 12, 1991

This was Chelsea’s Day of Infamy, the day receivership was imposed upon us because the city had become impossible to manage. During the past 20 years, Chelsea has changed in a 1000 ways and it is a far different place…