Category: News

A New Latinx Play Festival Starts April 9

Teatro Chelsea set out to find plays by Latinx playwrights that capture Latinx narratives on the edge of the spotlight, those stories not often told. From 46 submissions, Teatro Chelsea chose six “a-típico” plays—four full-length and two one-acts— that will leave audiences…

Lifeworks Expands Autism Services Across

region, establishes support center for adults Lifeworks, a nonprofit human services provider that supports people with intellectual and developmental disabilities, announced today – the first day of National Autism Acceptance Month – that it is expanding its community-based autism services…

Baker Sends Millions for Chelsea Aid

After weeks of negotiating with local leaders in Chelsea and Everett after being shorted by the federal American Rescue Plan (ARP) and the federal delegation, Gov. Charlie Baker announced his Administration would dedicate a total of $100 million of additional…