The Chelsea Planning Board gave a positive recommendation for a plan by The Neighborhood Developers (TND) to locate a veterans services group home at 215 Shurtleff St. – the former American Legion building. The 10-unit home with veterans services on…
Author: Seth Daniel
Park Cleaners Under Agreement as Beer and Wine Store
A plan to convert the long-time Park Cleaners store on Park Street into a convenience store that sells beer and wine would be the first such plan to come under new zoning laws enacted earlier this year. The building is…
Secure Community Program Stays on Target After Three Months
It hasn’t come without hesitation and it hasn’t come without quite a bit of pressure from all angles, but after one quarter of cooperating with the federal government’s Secure Communities program, Chelsea Police indicate that the feds are not overstepping…
Immigration Issues Take Center Stage in Chelsea This Summer
There are a number of issues that jump out to the front in Chelsea – whether it be development, school issues or even at one time the Chelsea Housing Authority debacle. This summer, however, one issue that has crept front…
DPW Internet Reporting Program; Effective and Producing Quick Results
There are any number of reasons why people might stay away from church, but one of those reasons is typically not that rats are chasing church-goers away. However, that was just the issue at the First Congregational Church on County…
George Ostler Talks About WWII
A film crew lead by Documentarian/Producer/Director, Neal Cortell, (right) was in town Monday to interview Chelsea Historian and highly decorated war hero George Ostler (seated) for a segment in 1 of a series of 3 feature length documentaries about various…
ROCA Selected for New Social Investment Program
One of the state’s most innovative at-risk youth service providers has been selected to participate in a groundbreaking social investment program being implemented right now by the state. Massachusetts will be the first state to implement the ‘pay for success’…
Playing it too slow Leaders take exception to timeline that could extend licensing to 2014
At a critical point during the Civil War, President Abraham Lincoln was confounded as to why his top general was sitting idle and allowing the Confederate Army to gather steam and poke holes in the Union Army. The more Lincoln…
Gaming Commission Could Decide on Licenses in Late 2014
Timing is everything and timing has been the source of numerous questions about the new Massachusetts Gaming Law and the potential casino at Suffolk Downs over the last few months. On Tuesday, the Massachusetts Gaming Commission (MGC) issued a preliminary…
Play Hits the Park; Apollonaire Outdoors Back Again After Hiatus
It’s been one week in the park, and already the Apollonaire Theatre’s outdoor Shakespeare-related production is getting rave reviews and also bringing a little respite during the summer for residents. Danielle Fauteux Jacques is directing an inventive version of the…