On November 3, the Chelsea Kiwanis Club and family members met at El Potro Mexican Bar & Grill in Chelsea to install its officers and directors for the new Kiwanis year, which runs from October 1, to September 30, 2023.
John Mattuchio of the Everett Kiwanis Club is the Lt. Governor for Division 12 of the New England & Bermuda District of Kiwanis and performed the installations. Rich Cuthie, Joe Carreiro, and Cassandra Thompson will reprise their roles as President, Treasurer, and Secretary, respectively. Elaine Monge is Vice-President with Carolyn Boumila-Vega and Veronica Dyer-Medina as Directors.
In addition to installing the officers and directors, Roy Avellaneda was installed as a new member with his sponsor, Elaine Monge, pinning his lapel. Other members were honored for their years of service as Kiwanis, with belated awards being given that the pandemic had postponed. Elaine Monge and Renee Caso received pins and certificates for 10 years of Kiwanis service, while Tom Speropolous was honored for his more than 35 years as a Kiwanian. Additionally, Joe Carreiro and Veronica Dyer-Medina received Distinguished Service Commendations for going above and beyond in their support of the Chelsea Kiwanis Club over the past year.
The red blazers worn by Kiwanians represent each $1,000 raised by the Chelsea club for the Kiwanis Foundation of New England which addresses pediatric trauma in New England and other worthwhile causes everywhere.
The Chelsea Kiwanis Club is one of thousands of Kiwanis clubs around the world.
Its members are just some of the hundreds of thousands of Kiwanians globally who are dedicated to improving the world, one child and one community at a time. If you would like more information about the Chelsea Kiwanis Club, please get in touch at [email protected].