By Darlene DeVita
(The following is one in a series of sneak peeks at the upcoming People of Chelsea additions by Photographer Darlene DeVita. The new work will ultimately appear on the fence of the Chelsea Public Library (CPL) this fall in a collaboration between the People of Chelsea project and the CPL.)
I have been a lucky fellow my entire life and without doubt the luckiest day of my life was the day in July, 2000 when Margaret Carsley invited me to live with her in her home on Orange Street.
I never really aspired to be well rounded; I rather thought of myself as somewhat oblong. Benefiting from a very strong public education and [I had] a stern dose of structure administered by the Jesuits during my college days, I did internalize a good bit of liberal arts type knowledge. The oblong part of my skill set included the things I was particularly proficient in and those things, I am happy to say, are the things that I continue to enjoy.
The wonderful people of Chelsea helped me craft an abundant life. I learned how to grow tomatoes in the community garden. Co-workers at Centro Latino de Chelsea were patient with me as I struggled trying to learn Spanish. I served on the Economic Development Board, the Affordable Housing Trust Fund board and the founding board of GreenRoots, Inc. I had the extraordinary good fortune of hearing words I had written spoken by very talented actors from the stage of the Apollinaire Theatre during Chelsea’s Art Walk. Most significantly, I am proud to say I spent the last ten years of my career as city treasurer, working with a very dedicated staff in performing an important civic function in the city where I lived.