The City investigation into the actions of Councillor Giovanni Recupero during a meeting in March towards two high school students has been completed, said City Solicitor Cheryl Fisher Watson.
The investigation will not be public and it is assumed the Council and stakeholders in the matter will meet in a Conference Committee that will adjourn to Executive Session immediately. Since it is a personnel matter, the meeting is exempt from the Open Meeting Law.
Fisher Watson said she could not comment on the investigation beyond the fact that it’s done and that a meeting is being scheduled. The contents of that investigation will not be publicly aired.
Councillor Recupero was accused of a Civil Rights Violation and harassment of two high school students, both of whom are appointed members of the Youth Commission, after an early March meeting. The youths allege they were scared and Recupero intimidated them after a vote on removing the Christopher Columbus Statue in Chelsea Square. The youths advocated for removing the statue and Recupero voted in favor of keeping it.