The Chelsea Housing Authority (CHA) in a joint application with the Everett Housing Authority (EHA) was recently awarded $70,000 in funding to run the state-aided Self Sufficiency Program (SSP) for one (1) year. The grant has an opportunity to extend for up to five (5) years.
This innovative program will enroll a minimum of 38 participants selected from the combined state-aided public housing and Mass Rental Voucher Program (MRVP) managed by both agencies. It provides funds to hire a coach who will offer support for employment, education and asset building.
CHA and EHA will build and leverage current partnerships with local service providers to offer employment, financial literacy and education services to support SSP participants in meeting their desired goals. Both authorities have already started forging a working relationship on this program with TND Connect and their wide network of support. Chelsea Housing Authority has long offered similar services to federal public housing residents through their very successful FFS program and are looking to use best practices from the management of that program to hit the ground running with SSP.
The Chelsea Housing Authority and Everett Housing Authority look forward to this partnership which will assist participants by providing the tools needed to achieve self-sufficiency