New Marijuana Retail Operation Proposed on Second Street

A consortium of Massachusetts-based business people have proposed to open a retail marijuana operation in a portion of the 270 Second St. industrial building across from the Market Basket.

A full public meeting on the matter will be held online Oct 8 where the plan and site plan will be discussed in depth.

Attorney Sheila Grant said DMS Trinity/Trinity Naturals – headed up by Mary Susan Blout of Stoneham – would be proposing the venture and it would be their first proposal in the new marijuana industry.

The operation would be retail only, and Trinity would procure their products from grow facilities in Greater Boston and the North Shore. The principles are approaching the operation from a health perspective, she said.

“They coming from a health perspective on this proposal,” she said. “One of the principles has a daughter who suffered a stroke and is paralyzed on her right side. One of the purposes is to show others the benefits and remove the stigma associated with marijuana as a treatment…They’re coming from a holistic and health mindset.”

Already, they have forged a community partnership with the Chelsea Collaborative in terms of supporting the Collaborative’s mission so Trinity can be a good neighbor.

“We’re partnering with them so we can get involved in the community,” said Grant. “They want to be a good community neighbor and they want to hire locally.”

She said it is a woman-engaged company and they want to hire primarily from Chelsea, with an emphasis on hiring women, minorities, disabled individuals, veterans and other protected classes.

Right now, they are just at the first step in engaging the community, and though they have worked with the state, they have not yet gone through the onerous state permitting process. “In this case, we need to secure the location and have the Community Host Agreement,” said Grant. “They have done the preliminary filings with the Commonwealth.”

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