State Representative Eugene O’Flaherty is shown with State Auditor Suzanne Bump at O’Flaherty’s annual St. Patrick’s Day dinner which was held last Friday night in Charlestown at the Knights of Columbus Hall..
The John F. Kennedy Knights of Columbus Hall in Charlestown was packed to capacity Friday night for the 25th Annual Flatley Company St. Patrick’s Day celebration. Representative Gene O’Flaherty and the Flatleys made it all happen, again.
There was the obligatory corned beef and cabbage dinner followed by a full evening of dancing and singing.
Music was provided by Andy Healy who hails from Sligo.
Chelsea’s Duke Bradley provided a bit of master of ceremonies technology.
Many, many Chelsea people attended
However, it was the large and friendly crowd or everyone knowing everyone else that made the night memorable.
Missing from the celebration since he died in 2008 was Tom Flatley.
The late Mr. Flatley was a great friend of Charlestown who enjoyed St, Patrick’s Day and the camaraderie it spawned.
He tended to greet everyone at the door as they arrived.
His son and a half dozen members of the Flatley company and Gene O’Flaherty acted as the evening’s ambassadors.
Among those who attended the time were State Auditor Suzanne Bump, Boston City Councillor Sal LaMattina, and Chelsea’s State Senator Sal DiDomenico.