The time to file personal assessments relating to City Manager Jay Ash’s performance is nearing the end.
According to City Council President Leo Robinson, a number of residents have sent in letters and e-mails assessing Ash’s job performance which is part of the broader reappointment process now underway.
Ash has not officially said whether or not he will be seeking another term as city manager, however it is believed he would like another term.
Concomitant with the city manager assessments comes the selections for the Charter Review Committee.
When finally convened, the Charter Review Committee will tackle a number of items relating to how the city is run under the auspices of the present charter.
Several councilors have indicated they’d like the Charter Review Committee to make it mandatory that the Chelsea city manager live in Chelsea.
Such a move, should it pass, would invalidate Ash’s ability to go another term as he does not live in the city.
“I, for one, believe such a change in the charter would be a mistake,” said President Robinson.
“The city is simply too small to cull from it a city manager choice up to the level of a Jay Ash,” he said.
President Robinson said he would be announcing a public hearing on the city manager’s performance, at which time residents will be allowed to come forward to have their say about it inside the city council chamber at city hall.
“I urge everyone with a thought about how the city manager is performing to make their opinions known by letter, by e-mail or at the public hearing,” President Robinson said.